Dr. Kyle Reynolds DC is a Colorado Native hailing from Colorado Springs, Colorado. Numerous injuries and concussions playing collegiate sports highlighted the value of chiropractic in his life. Suffering from migraine headaches for over a year, chiropractic care ended up being the only solution to his pain. This had a large impact on his life and eventually led him to Davenport, Iowa to attend the prestigious Palmer College of Chiropractic.
After spending a 9-month rotation at the Jefferson Barracks VA hospital in St. Louis and graduating Valedictorian; he decided to move back to Colorful Colorado to set up his own practice. He chose Fort Collins because he loves the community of people and their health conscious mind-set.
Dr. Reynolds has a passion for helping his patients gain control over their health and to stop relying on others to tell them what they need. From pain management and sports injuries, to wellness care and nutrition, Dr. Reynolds truly invests in each patient to set them up to live the healthiest lives possible.
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What Our Clients Are Saying
Dr. Kyle Reynolds is so awesome and I have been a patient for probably close to 2 years. Just recently I was hit by a car, I was able to get the right help from Dr. Kyle and his staff in setting up a treatment plan to help me with the pain as a result from being hit by a car while walking the cross walk...
I had a phenomenal Chiropractor in Anchorage, Alaska and moved to Fort Collins for school. My previous Chiropractor was also a Palmer Graduate so I knew the caliber of care Dr.Reynolds was expected to offer. Thankfully he has more than met those expectations and excelled past...
I HIGHLY recommend Dr. Kyle Reynolds. His level of care for patients is beyond what I have ever seen or experienced. He truly listens to you and is extremely knowledgeable. Contact Dr. Reynolds if you are needing a doctor who actually cares about you as an individual...